Thursday, February 11, 2010


Anthony Martinez - Princeton:

During the Mesopotamian time the people there had a lot of problems to live because they used to have floods in the rivers and they use to get all clogged up, also when it was really hot the rivers use to dried up. The people there struggle with the weather and because of that the water was bad for them because the river was dry and during the floods the water was black and contaminated, and when the population got bigger the Sumerians were not able to farm.


  1. Fist of all i think that you could solve the problem by building leeves. Leeves is this system that does not allow the water to overflow.You could also build an irrigation system to let all your cities get water. Then so you dont get silk you could build something. Actually you would have to coperate to clean it up. Or else you will get enemies.This is the website where I got this info. joseph garcia:prnceton

  2. A away you can solve the problem is by building and levees were we need them. Also you can help by putting them in sertant places so the homes and streets wont flood up. I think you should create levees near the water so we wont get flooded. this is the website were i got some ideas to write this.

  3. A solution to this problem that affected farming of our land was the creation of levees and irrigation systems. For this to be maintained, however, cooperation is essential. We need to create a system in which all able bodied men and women routinely clean out the irrigation systems. Failure to do so would destroy us.

    Mr. Garza
