Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A New Version of Orpheus

Eurydice had died and so Orpheus went down to go and save Eurydice from her death

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar was important because he had been a Governor from Rome also Julius Caesar was a soldier from the roman empire also he saved Rome from invasions with his army.

My favorite Greek thinker

My favorite Greek thinker is Zeus because he had been a great civilization ruler during Greek times.


Yes, I think it was good that Achilles fought Hector. Achilles went looking for Hector and fought him in honor of his cousin death. Hector killed him by mistake thinking it was Achilles also did it as a revenge and honored of his cousins death.

The Myth of Osiris

Osiris was the king of earth Osiris was a good king ad he ruled for many years however every thing was not well Seth was so jealous of Osiris because Seth wanted to be the ruler of earth Seth grew angrier and angrier until he killed Osiris.
Osiris went down into the under world and Seth remained on earth and became king Osiris had one son named Horus. Horus battled against Seth and regained the thorn after that Horus was king of the earth and Osiris was king of the under world.
Anthony Martinez
Princeton University

Thursday, May 20, 2010

the floods of the Nile

I wonder how the river had flood also i wonder how the Egyptions had controled the floods from the river and also the cool thing is that the Egiptionsnew when it was going to rain and when the rivers were aboutto flood the Egiptions had not been like the mesopotamians the mesopotamians had thought the river was crazy and the rivers were going to flood the whole entire city

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The story in Gilgamesh takes place in
Urk and it takes place in Mesopotamia. The story involves Gilgamesh humbaba and Enkidu also the sun god. In the beginning Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu became board in every day life so Enkidu and Gilgamesh went on a journey to cedar forest to go get some wood and take it back there city. Then when Gilgamesh and Enkidu are walking through the forest they see Humbaba. Enkidu and Gilgamesh had already been prepared to fight and kill humbaba to get there wood. In the end Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu kill Humbaba. They get there wood and start chopping the wood and they go back home.

The message of the story is good always wins over evil. In the story Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu are getting wood until they find Humbaba. Also in the story they did not listen to the people in the village. Another reason is because also good won over evil because Gilgamesh had been prepared.

I believe Gilgamesh is a hero he killed the evil monster and also he killed the monster so the village people did not have to worry. In addition he just decided to the trip. Finally he defeated Humbaba and Gilgamesh and Enkidu got there wood and go back to the village. In my opinion Gilgamesh is a hero.

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Anthony Martinez - Princeton:

During the Mesopotamian time the people there had a lot of problems to live because they used to have floods in the rivers and they use to get all clogged up, also when it was really hot the rivers use to dried up. The people there struggle with the weather and because of that the water was bad for them because the river was dry and during the floods the water was black and contaminated, and when the population got bigger the Sumerians were not able to farm.